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About us

All our skills and acknowledgement is dedicated to make out of your Spa and Wellness Business to be, first of all, your vision and representing your image. Then we guide you through the steps to succeed and avoid the beginners mistakes. Due to our holistic vision we are able to achieve our aims and we find the best solutions and using the best tools. We are involved and persevering in avery project we enrole that is why the foremost is going to be you, your team, your business. Spa Plus toold and solutions will be at your fingertips whenever you want to access them and they will be permanently adapted to your actual needs.

Spa Plus is your lucky clover!

Why choosing Spa Plus?

You get tailored solution to your needs

You’ll have innovative promotional tools

With us you can avoind the beginners mistakes

You’ll gain recurrent clients and reccommendations from them

Your team will be the best host

You’ll get more than just a service

Our team

Alina Nițu

Tha Spa Business Consultant you have beside you all the way of your spa project, from the concept phase to the creation of the menu, protocols, marketing strategy, team selection, training and spa management assistance.

Andreea Mihai

Spa Therapies Trainer (graduate of the Steiner / Elemis Transocean Academy) who contributes significantly to the training of your team of therapists, will consolidate and create spa protocols according to your spa menu and will reproduce the spa experience according to your concept.

Claudiu Sferle

Spa Therapies Trainer & Physiotherapist with medical background and training in the wellness industry and experience of Spa Management. Patience, meticulousness and passion are the skills that support him in creating each spa training, as well as building the spa team as part of the business.

Tools & solutions

Choose the SOLUTION that fits best to your needs!

Sales and Marketing Plan

You’ve got a great idea and you’re seriously thinking about opening a Spa Center… Great!Because practice is that thing making an idea so great, it is extremely important to have…

Creating the menu

Spa Menu is the most important sales instrument in a Spa Center! Creating a menu involves several ingredients to be considered for a healthy smooth business run. The Spa Menu need…

Recruitment and team training

You have an excellent location, you made great investments in the infrastructure, utilities, services and products and your dream became reality. What you need now is A TEAM TO SHINE…

Management Assistance

Once the project De îndată ce proiectul trece de la concept la construcție, Spa Plus este o alegere foarte înțeleaptă, prin contribuția valoroasă pe care o aduce fiecărui proiect…

Mystery Shopper

A Mystery Shopper is that Mysterious Customer who, after a visit to your “home”, reveals you in a very honestly way how your business looks through the eyes of a customer…

Promovează-ți business-ul!

Viva Membership

900 Lei 3 luni
  • 1 articol despre povestea spa-ului tău publicat pe site-ul Spa Plus
  • un interviu scris cu managerul centrului spa / proprietarul locației
  • o vizita de tip Mystery Shopper
  • o postare pe saptamâna pe pagina de Facebook + LinkedIn a consultatului Alina Nițu
  • cover photo dedicat pe pagina oficială de Facebook a grupului Spa Life & Business (7 zile consecutiv)
  • 10% discount pentru cursul online de Eticheta & Customer Care
  • 10% discount pentru cursul online de Vânzari Spa

Mondo Membership

3000 Lei 6 luni
  • 1 articol despre povestea spa-ului tău publicat pe site-ul Spa Plus
  • un interviu scris cu managerul centrului spa / proprietarul locației
  • o vizita de tip Mystery Shopper
  • un articol scris de catre Alina Nițu (consultant spa) despre locație, servicii și echipa (în urma vizitei sale la spa)
  • doua postări de promovare/săpt. pe pagina de Facebook + LinkedIn a consultantului Alina Nițu
  • cover photo dedicat pe pagina oficială de Facebook a grupului Spa Life & Business (7 zile consecutive)
  • doua discuții de tip consultanță cu managerul spa (2h/întâlnire - videocall)
  • 30% discount pentru cursul online de Eticheta & Customer Care
  • 30% discount pentru cursul de Vânzari

Business Partner

Solicită ofertă
  • Dedicat companiilor ce furnizeaza produse și/sau echipamente pentru centrele spa și persoanelor fizice ce dețin calitatea de formatori spa


Este important ca centrul tău să spună o poveste unică, să se diferențieze și să creeze experiențe WOW pentru oaspeții tăi? Folosește INSTRUMENTELE & SOLUȚIILE Spa Plus ca să creezi cea mai potrivită și primitoare ambianță pentru oaspeții tăi, dar și cel mai profitabil business.

Ce spun cei care au ales serviciile noastre

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Noutati, stiri, interviuri despre industria Spa & HoReCa.

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