Once the project is getting from the concept to construction, Spa Plus is a very wise choice, because of the valuable contribution that it brings in every project.

When your new business is preparing for the grand opening, it is important to have constant support until you cut the ribbon, but more important after this.
Most cases it is easier and more convenient to call a specialist support who has the experience and the tools and skills necessary to start a successful project, thus avoiding possible material and image damage.
When is it appropriate to join us?
The best time for us being with you is at least two months before opening and about 3 months after.
The first two months of assistance will include the complete Spa Plus Training and Consulting package *, plus the recruiting support and finding the most suitable people to build and form your team.
The next 3 months after opening we will be beside you for the first steps!
Our involvement will depend on our the discussion and your needs from us.

The complete Consulting and Training package includes::
- Sales and marketing plan (pre-opening)
- Creating services menu (pre-opening), choosing professional products and retail
- Team recruitment (pre-opening)
- Team training: etiquette & customer care, therapies, sales
- Working procedures and protocols (pre-opening)
- Training Manager Spa (pre & post opening)
Do you need support and management assistance for your spa?
Fill in the form below and we will get back to you in 24hrs.